How to solve EPC net database installation 42 error

Sometimes when trying to install Star C3 Pro EPC catalog data during installation under Windows 7, users get an error adding data files (error code 42)

1) Sometimes it will not accept the second DVD, complaining about incompatible disk version.
2) After cleanup and restart/re-install it will accept second and third disk and copy ROMS but when it start to check and add databases then an error code 42 is raised.

Here is the quick solution:

1. Close EWA net Administration
2. Click EWA net admin icon, right click , properties
3. Go to compatibility and check Windows XP Service Pack2 and run as Administrator then click OK
4. Click on EWA net admin icon and choose yes
5. Stop EWA net web server, and USER database from CORE
6. Install databases for EPC and WIS
7. Start net web server and user database from CORE

Here is the EWA net EPC WIS PICs installation PDF instruction guide