2016.12 Xentry DAS 2221-45 Fix 3.91 Fix

I will try to make it today, if I will come home not so late. But with only one way with stupid file replacing. I will give some code examples why the system is working not right after the same things too. There are several absolutely another ways to make system maybe completely working with old keys.
I will make some fixes for HHT Final to work with old keys too.



This is for 2016.12 Xentry.OpenShell.XDOS only.

Try on your own risk. MBStarTool.com hold no responsibility of it.

I am not speaking about old dll, it`s a different story.
Just several examples from encrypted java, simply missed after replacing.

lost instructions:

import com.teradyne.ds.gradex.base.XXX;
import com.teradyne.ds.gradex.service.XXX;
import com.teradyne.ds.gradex.value.XXX;

private static final String IV_MIN_VERSION = “XXX#Gueltigkeiten/minLicVersion”;
private static final String IV_MAX_VERSION = “XXX#Gueltigkeiten/maxLicVersion”;

import java.net.XXX;

private static int getIntValue(String uri_, int default_)
Session session = Base.getDevelopmentEnvironment();
ObjectCache oc = (ObjectCache)session.getService(ObjectCache.serviceSelector);
Object obj = null;
URL url = new URL(session.getRoot(), uri_);
obj = oc.getContent(url);
catch (TargetNotFoundException e)
String uri = uri_.replace(“gmf”, “xml”);
URL url = new URL(session.getRoot(), uri);
obj = oc.getContent(url);
catch (TargetNotFoundException localTargetNotFoundException1)
LOGGER.error(e, e);
return default_;
IntegerValue iv = (IntegerValue)Base.getInstanceOf(obj, IntegerValue.class);
Integer i = iv.getIntegerValue();
if (i == null)
if (TRACE) {
LOGGER.debug(“got null value for ” + uri_);
return default_;
return i.intValue();
catch (MalformedURLException e)
LOGGER.error(e, e);
return default_;

private static boolean isMasterKey(String hwId_)
char[] arrayOfChar;
int j = (arrayOfChar = hwId_.toCharArray()).length;
for (int i = 0; i < j; i++)
char c = arrayOfChar[i];
if (c != ‘0’) {
return false;
return true;



(BIG THANKS to italianec in the AP community)